St. Ignace Food Pantry
I'm weary, Lord, stretched thin, worn out. This servant is spent. But do not give me up for lost, Good Shepherd, gather me up
just long enough so I can rest awhile in your arms.

Accepting donations of canned or packaged foods.
For example, the Pantry is always in need of things like:
Flour | Sugar | Salt | Cooking Oil | Peanut Butter | Jam/Jelly |
Coffe/Tea | Bisquick | Syrup | Canned Goods | Bottled Juices | Cereal |
Pasta and Mixes | Hamburger Helper | Tuna | Toilet Paper | Mustard | Ketchup |

Patrons of the Food Pantry must be residents of Mackinac County and have an evident financial hardship as their basis of need for food. They will be asked to explain this basis of need to the volunteer who greets them and interviews them. For those who have a valid need, the volunteers at the Food Pantry will document their needs and will decide how much food to give them, based on family size and the availability of food in stock.
For most patrons, the Food Pantry will endeavor to issue two weeks' worth of food at a time. Patrons whose financial hardship lasts longer than two weeks may be given two weeks' worth of food a maximum of three (3) times within a three-month period, either in three consecutive two-week intervals or spread out over the three months at the patron's discretion.

Persons/families needing food assistance for a longer period of time, or who seem to habitually return to the Food Pantry for six-weeks worth of food every three months will be referred to their pastor or other human services agencies for help. Pastors or other human services agencies, e.g., the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) or the Community Action Agency, who support the patron's ongoing emergency need for food from the Food Pantry should contact the Food Pantry to discuss details.